We hope that you enjoy visiting our website and find it both useful and interesting.
At Dolau we have a fantastic staff team who are totally committed to ensuring that every child within our care receives an excellent education, enabling them to achieve their potential. We are very proud of our bi-lingual uniqueness, which creates such a happy, caring and friendly school. We have developed excellent links with parents and the local community.
Our latest inspection report July 2015 identified a number of excellent and outstanding features - "Nearly all pupils display concern and respect for each other and take exceptional pride in caring for those who are less fortunate than themselves" (Estyn 2015). The report, which you can access from this website, highlighted the commitment shown by everyone who works at the school.
Our mission statement typifies our quest for continual improvement and consequently we are always looking to improve all aspects of the school and not sit back and wait for things to happen. I am very proud of our school and all it achieves for the children at Dolau.
I would like to thank all the parents, staff, governors and children for all their incredible hard work and support in striving to give our children the best possible start in their school experience.
Mr G.D. Evans