
Safeguarding and Child Protection

The safety and wellbeing of our pupils and staff is very important to us at Dolau Primary School.  We aim to support vulnerable children to ensure they are as safe as they can possibly be.  Our school is committed to ensuring the safety and protection of all children and will take action to safeguard their well-being. We acknowledge that children have a right to protection, and this is supported in the general ethos of our school. 

The school's policy applies to the whole of the school's workforce, along with volunteers, governors and any contractors working on the school site. We ensure all staff working in school have been appropriately DBS checked for their suitability, using the Safe Recruitment procedures.  

We work in partnership with outside agencies to safeguard children.

When there are concerns it may be necessary to make a referral to Children’s services.


All staff at Dolau Primary School receive regular safeguarding training by the Local Authority. We also have a safeguarding/child protection policy.

If anyone has any concerns about children in our school, they should raise it with any member of staff who will then pass the information to the designated safeguarding officer. 

RCT safeguarding Team can be contacted by anyone for further advice or guidance – 01443 425006

Help us keep our Children safe (News Release 13th May 2020).



Designated Safeguarding Officer – Mr Gareth Evans (Head Teacher)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer – Miss Nia Pugh (Deputy Head Teacher)

Safeguarding Officer – Miss Amy Ryan (Foundation Phase Leader)

Safeguarding Officer – Mrs Sally-Anne Leyshon (ALNCo)

Nominated Governor for Child Protection – Simon Poole/Barry Stephens


Safeguarding Against Online Abuse

Online abuse is any type of abuse that is facilitated through technology like computers, tablets, mobile phones, game consoles and other electronic devices.

Safeguarding your children - Information for parents and carers

Information and support for children and parent/carers is available from a number of sources including:, and the NSPCC Online Safety Helpline 0808 8005002

  • Speak with your child about what they do online
  • Ask them to show you some of their favourite sites
  • Show an interest in who their friends are online
  • Ask them how they decide who to be friends with
  • Try and get them to friend you online too
  • Agree the amount of time they spend online and the sites they visit
  • Think about installing parental controls on their devices
  • Raise the issue of inappropriate content. Have they seen any?
  • Make sure they know how to report abuse online.
  • Agree on some ground rules regarding how long children spend online, the websites they visit and the activities they take part in.
  • Internet service providers (ISPs), such as Virgin Media, TalkTalk, Sky or BT, provide parental controls for laptops, phones, tablets, game consoles and other devices that connect to the internet. Parental controls help you filter or restrict what your child can see online.
  • Check the privacy settings on your child’s social media accounts to keep personal information private. Talk to them about what to do if they see worrying or upsetting content or if someone contacts them and makes them feel anxious or uncomfortable. 

(Keeping Learners Safe November 2020)



United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Children and young people have 42 rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).

These 42 rights give children and young people what they need to grow up happily, healthily and safely (Children’s Commissioner for Wales)

To read a summary of each Right, click here:

