Letters sent to parents:
Dear Parent
Firstly may I welcome you all to the new term and exciting school year! A brief outline of the year’s dates/activities is attached.
In order to ensure safety of pupils, I would be grateful if you could spend a minute looking over the following procedures:
Breakfast club starts at 8.15am – please ensure your child is taken to the hall door where a member of staff will be waiting. Children not going to breakfast club are not allowed on the premises until 8.40am; official supervision is from 8.50am.
When driving children to school, please be reminded that no vehicles are permitted to drive in to the school grounds at any time. When parking please do not park in front of the school gates, nor on any hazard lines or yellow lines. Under no circumstances should anyone stop their vehicle in the middle of the carriageway to drop their child off.
When leaving at the end of the day, please ensure your child(ren) (particularly infants) are supervised at all times and they do not go on to the bankings or play on any of the school equipment/activity trails. Children should not ride their scooters out of the school gates and must be in control when on the pavement.
School gates will be closed at 9am and any child arriving after this time should report to the school office before making their way to class. A child arriving after registration will be marked late for the session (be aware this affects their percentage attendance).
Please inform school as soon in the day as possible should your child’s end of day routine change, or if your child is absent from school. Any parent wishing to speak to a teacher should send in a note with their child to request an appointment/telephone call.
As you are aware, pupils’ attendance and absence is monitored continuously by RCT and we ask for your cooperation in helping us to achieve the highest attendance we can. In light of this we ask that, where possible, you do not take children out of school during term time especially for the purpose of holidays. However should you need to request holiday absence, please submit the relevant form and be mindful that school will not provide homework for the child to take on holiday with them.
Dogs are not permitted on school premises at any time.
G D Evans