Covid-19 blog



Dear Parent

Happy New Year to all.  Please see attached information regarding the return to school this term. 

The following procedures will be in place for this half term in line with the latest LEA/WG guidance:

  • All pupils will return to school on Thursday 6th January 2022
  • Though there will be no staggered starts, pupils will be in class bubbles, with separate lunch and play time arrangements
  • Pupils displaying any of the published symptoms will be sent home
  • Warn and inform letters will be issued to the whole class if a child tests positive; pupils not displaying any symptoms may come to school
  • Staffing levels will be assessed daily. Where staffing levels fall below safety expectations and adequate supervision cannot be guaranteed, groups/classes may be sent home
  • Distance learning will be provided if a whole class is off school
  • All parents/visitors must wear face coverings whilst on school premises, follow the one-way systems in place and maintain 2 metres distancing
  • KS2 parents will collect junior children from designated areas on the yard. Please do not mix/congregate with other parents.
  • After school activities are postponed
  • Breakfast club will continue as normal from Monday 10th January
  • Children of key workers who have been accepted to attend tomorrow’s emergency provision will be provided with breakfast and lunch depending on the child’s arrival time.
Further updates will be communicated as appropriate.
G D Evans
17 December 2021
Dear Parent
Please see the attached letter from RCT.
Following the guidance received from our LA this morning there will be slight amendments to the information sent out yesterday.
School will be closed on Tuesday 4th for ALL pupils with the majority returning on Thursday 6th providing no further communication is received from Welsh Government.
On Wednesday  January 5th, provision will be made for the pupils whose parents must meet the current critical workers criteria, eligible critical workers include:
➢ Blue light workers, including NHS, Police, Ambulance and Fire Service staff;
➢ Social care workers (including care homes); and
➢ Childcare or education staff.
To do this any parent who believes they are eligible for this provision must apply by 3rd January but ideally by today so that we can plan. Obviously, parents must be working on the 5th January.
To apply, please send an email to: including your job details/profession, as well as your child's name and year group, and whether you will require a morning/afternoon/all day provision (provision will be available between the hours of 9am and 3.30pm and your child should only attend for the hours you work).  Please also let us know if your child is to attend Breakfast Club on that morning - this will be available from 8.15am and for those registered (forms are available from the school and school website).
Once again thank you for your cooperation.
G D Evans
(Welsh version to follow)





3rd September 2021

Dear Parent

 We would like to welcome you all back for the start of the new term, especially those children who are starting for the first time.

 The procedures put in place in July will remain and these can be found on the school website under letters or Covid-19.

 We had received official confirmation that the current risk level for RCT is yellow/moderate.  This means that the procedures we have put in place will be appropriate and effective.  However, as we have previously explained, if the level rises to high, then we may need to revert back to procedures that were in place in the summer term.  In order for us to remain safe, I would like to remind you of the current guidelines, outlined in our latest risk assessment:

  • Limiting close interaction between pupils where possible
  • Avoidance of large groups, eg assemblies
  • Face coverings where appropriate
  • Visitors to wear face coverings if entering the school building
  • Parents to avoid congregating in groups when dropping off/picking up children


In order to minimise risk, we ask that you carefully adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Any pupil displaying Covid-19 symptoms must not come to school and must book a PCR test. Once tested, if negative they may return, if positive they must isolate for 10 days.
  • Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms or who tests positive will continue to be required to self-isolate – no matter how old they are or if they have been vaccinated or not.
  • Anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms should stay at home and begin to self-isolate for at least 10 days from the date of symptoms onset while making arrangements to be tested. Any other members of the household 18 years and over who have not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 should also self-isolate.  If the test result is negative the individual with symptoms and isolating members of the household will not be required to complete the full 10-day isolation period (unless instructed to isolate for other reasons).
  • Local health boards are also making Covid-19 testing available to people with a wider range of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle ache or pain, a sore throat, a headache, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • For children displaying wider symptoms, parents can book a PCR test online by selecting the ‘book a test if advised by a Public Health adviser’ option.
  • Parents can also ring 01443 443151 to book a PCR test if their child has wider symptoms.
  • Parents will be requested to immediately collect their child from school if they are too unwell to remain in school; or they have one of the three classic Covid-19 symptoms (i.e. a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of or change to their sense of taste or smell); or there are significant concerns. It is a parent’s decision whether to take the child for a test. 


Parents must contact school immediately if they suspect that the child, or anyone in the house, has any Covid-19 symptoms.

 Obviously in the first half term we will be operating a cautious approach to any person/child who is displaying symptoms.  We will therefore request that children are taken from school should the need arise.  We appreciate that this may at times be inconvenient for some but we respectfully ask that parents support us during this period.

 We have received communication today from the authority that Breakfast Club will continue at the start of term; we will commence Breakfast Club as soon as possible and once we have received the total numbers requiring the facility.  We are therefore unable to provide Breakfast Club for at least the first two days of term, ie Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th.



G D Evans



Breakast Club information from RCT:


If your child requires a place in the summer term breakfast club (12th April – 20th July) please complete an application form using the following link The form will be available for completion from 7am, Friday 12th March to 5pm, Friday 19th March. The number of places due to Covid restrictions will be limited to ensure that social distancing and effective hygiene and preventative measures can be maintained. Places will be prioritised based on the time of application and you will be notified at the end of the application if you are successful or unsuccessful.  Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a reserve list and non-attendance will result in places being reallocated. Please note that in light of the current legislation in relation to breakfast clubs, prioritisation cannot be given to specific groups (e.g. previously unsuccessful applicants, vulnerable groups or key workers) as this provision is intended to provide a healthy breakfast to all learners. As places are restricted, please only apply if your child requires access to a free, healthy breakfast before the start of the school day.




3rd March 2021

Dear Parent

  Following the announcement made today, we are delighted to inform you that all KS2 pupils will return to school on Monday 15th March. 

 In order to adhere to the strict guidelines, minimising risks and maintaining social distancing, we will be operating exactly the same routines as we did in the Autumn term:

  • Parents must adhere to the staggered times for both drop-off and pick-up, ie:
       8.45am / 2.45pm D7, D8
       9.00am / 3.00pm D5, D6
       9.15am / 3.15pm C9, C10, C11
       9.30am / 3.30pm C7, C8   
  • All parents/guardians to follow the one-way systems which remain in place
  • Adhere to social distancing and do not congregate
  • All parents/guardians entering the school premises MUST wear face coverings
  • Immediate communication to school if any pupil (or anyone in the family household) has any Covid-19 related symptoms
  • Breakfast Club provision can be accessed by those who were successful in the November/December application process.

For pupils entitled to travel on school transport, please email by 12 noon on Monday 8th March to confirm if your child will or will not be using the bus.


Yours sincerely


G D Evans





8th February 2021

Dear Parent

 Re: return to school of Foundation Phase (age 3-7) pupils from February 22nd 2021

 We have taken the decision to open the school to all Foundation Phase pupils, ie those from Nursery to year 2, from Monday 22nd February.  Nursery pupils will attend according to their entitlement.  This will allow us to return to normal procedures as soon as possible.

 Please ensure you follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Parents must adhere to the staggered times for both drop-off and pick-up, ie:

               8.45am / 2.45pm D2 + D3             

              9.00am / 3.00pm C1 + D4

              9.15am / 3.15pm D1, C2 + C3

              9.30am / 3.30pm C4, C5 + C6

  • Immediate communication to school if any pupil (or anyone in the family household) has any Covid-19 related symptoms
  • For the first 2 weeks from 22nd February there will not be any Breakfast Club provision in place for Foundation Phase pupils
  • One-way systems remain in place
  • Adhere to social distancing if queuing, and do not congregate
  • All parents entering the school premises MUST wear face coverings.


For pupils entitled to travel on school transport, please email by the end of Wednesday 10th February, to tell us if your child will or will not be using the bus after half term.


Yours sincerely


G D Evans






8th February 2021

Dear Parent

 Re: return to school of KS2 pupils (age 7-11)

 As yet we have not received any detailed or specific guidance regarding the return to school of KS2 pupils. Therefore, from February 22nd junior pupils will continue to be educated via distance learning.  We will inform parents as soon as we receive any update.

 The vulnerable pupils and critical worker families will continue with the hub provision; they will be in one bubble and will not integrate with the Foundation Phase pupils who will be in school. We do not anticipate an increase in the applications for KS2 pupils coming to the hub, as it has been consistent for the last 5 weeks.  Those already using the hub will not need to re-apply, however please email to confirm the days required (unless we know them already).

Any new application will be taken on merit, and must be submitted by 12noon this Wednesday 10th February (please email providing details of both parents’ jobs).

Yours sincerely

G D Evans






Friday February 5th 2021

Following the announcement today regarding a return to school on February 22nd for Foundation phase pupils (age 3-7) ,we will provide detailed guidance on Monday February 8th.

Hub provision for critical workers and vulnerable pupils will also be confirmed.

Thank you for your patience.




Mr Evans 

Dear Parent/Guardian

As you know the First Minister made the announcement today regarding a possible return to school after half term.

What does this mean for Dolau ?

As stated, we will be open for vulnerable children and the children of critical workers up until the half-term. All other learners will continue to access remote learning during this period. 

We have issued questionnaires to all parents /guardians regarding distance learning and I am pleased to report that the majority of responses were very positive. We appreciate all responses and will do our very best to address  the concerns raised by individuals.  As we continue with our distance learning, we will amend and adapt as we develop different ways of engaging our pupils. The check in calls have been very well received and  of great benefit to the pupils.

From next week staff will be making welfare calls to all parents which we hope will support you and also provide us with any improvements we can make.

After half term the minister has stated that pupils could start returning to school from February 22nd. Obviously as soon as we receive guidance and authority we will inform parents regarding a return to school, as early as possible.

I would like to thank all our parents/guardians for your support this term. You are doing a fantastic job with your children, often juggling jobs and working your hours to support our distance learning activities. I know many of you are finding this balancing act very difficult and if anyone has concerns then please  contact us or use the check in opportunities next week to let us know. 

From the many responses received, I am sure you would want me to commend the attitude and commitment of our school staff. I have witnessed first hand ,the efforts they are making to engage with all our pupils and they all are appreciative of your efforts. 

Keep up the great work and together we will overcome this virus and hopefully get back to normal as soon as possible 


Stay Safe .


Mr Evans 



29th January 2021:


Dear Parent / Carer

As you will be aware, the First Minister was involved in a Welsh Government press conference today and announced the following key messages:

1. Schools will continue to be open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers up until the half-term. All other learners will continue to access remote learning during this period.
2. The youngest pupils in Wales could possibly begin returning to school after the February half-term if rates of coronavirus continue to fall.
3. If the transmission of Covid continues to decline, pupils will start returning to school in a phased way from 22nd February, beginning with our youngest learners.
4. Ministers and Welsh Government officials will continue to engage with Local Authorities, Trade Unions and representative groups to plan for the return of learners to school.
5. Welsh Government is committed to ensuring that schools, parents and carers have plenty of time to plan for change and it is hoped that Councils and schools across Wales will receive timely notifications so that we are able to strategically plan for key changes.


Please click here for the document 'Guidance on Blended Learning for parents and carers'.


For the Welsh version, click here.


Live Streaming
Please find a link to Welsh Government’s updated live streaming guidance below:




8th January 2021
Please see below letter from RCT; these changes take place from Monday 18th January, the provision for week commencing 11th January remains unchanged.
To apply for the provision for week beginning 18th January, please email by 12noon Monday 11th January.
Dear parent/carer

This morning the First Minister announced further changes for schools in Wales. The key elements are summarised as follows:

• All children, with the exception of high priority vulnerable learners and the children of critical workers, will continue to access remote learning until the 29th of January. If rates of infection have not reduced by this time, schools will continue with remote learning until the February half-term break.
• Only high priority vulnerable children and the children of critical workers will have access to on-site education in schools along with learners undertaking essential exams and assessments until the 29th of January (or until the February half term if rates remain high).
• Schools are not more unsafe now or pose a higher risk for teachers and children. However, the new variant of Covid-19 is far more infectious and is leading to increased numbers of people falling ill and being hospitalised.
• For GCSE, AS and A level learners, a decision has been made to cancel the spring term assessments that were planned to take place between 22th February and 23rd April. Revised assessment arrangements for the award of these qualifications in summer 2021 will be put in place shortly and further information will follow in due course.
• Special school staff that provide intimate personal care for children with complex medical needs will be included as part of the priority list for vaccination to ensure that the most vulnerable are kept safe.

From the Monday the 18th of January, schools will continue to provide education for the children of critical workers on school sites. Eligibility has changed slightly and will only include the following groups of workers:
• Health and social care workers (including care home staff).
• Public safety (emergency workers) and national security workers.
• Education and childcare workers.
• Food and other necessary goods workers (please note this is an additional category)
If you have explored all possible childcare options and genuinely have no other alternative and have to work, then please advise the school by Monday the 11th of your requirements for the week commencing the 18th of January. The current legislation only requires one parent to work in one of these outlined areas of work to access school based education.

Arrangements for high priority vulnerable learners will remain unchanged.

Please note, that places will be capped to ensure the health and safety of your child and school staff during this concerning period. The safest place for your child currently is at home but if essential, your school can provide education for vulnerable learners and the children of identified critical workers in school. Where demand for places exceeds supply, requests will be prioritised based on need. If you have any concerns or exceptional circumstances, please raise these directly with your child’s school. On-site provision is for education and not childcare, as school staff still have a responsibility to deliver education remotely to all children throughout the school day. In addition to this, they will continue to provide remote wellbeing support for those that require this.

Thank you for your continued patience and for supporting your child’s learning during these very challenging times.

Many thanks


Gaynor Davies
Director of Education and Inclusion Services

17 December: Following information from Government, school will be closed to pupils Monday 4 + Tuesday 5 January; all pupils to return Wednesday 6th. More information to follow.


End of Term 2020

10th December 2020

Dear Parent

As we come to the end of a very challenging term, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and cooperation regarding the procedures and regulations we have had to put in place.

At this point I am very pleased to inform you that only 2 classes have been isolated this term and the number of infections has remained relatively low. There has been a very low rate of transmission within the school and those who have isolated have done so because of other family members.

I believe there are two factors contributing to this. The first is the cooperation and diligence from all our parents/guardians who have responded immediately when required. I know many of you have had to adjust your childcare plans and make emergency arrangements and I am very grateful for your continued assistance in this. As a result, our cases of Covid-19 remain low.

The second has been the efforts of all staff and the way in which they monitored the well-being of all pupils, responding immediately to any potential symptoms a child might display. The speed at which they have acted has also ensured a low transmission rate.

In addition to this, the cleaning provided by our cleaners and caretaker has ensured the school is constantly disinfected and safe.

As a result of these and everyone’s efforts, we have managed to achieve an attendance rate of 95%.

Sadly our normal Christmas activities and events could not take place but staff have tried to bring a little festive spirit to school and I am sure you will be pleased with the virtual Christmas concerts the Foundation Phase have performed in their classes.

Though I do not anticipate major changes to our routines and procedures after the Christmas holidays, we will try to return to a normal school day as soon as it is safe to do so.

I would like to thank all concerned – staff, parents, guardians and pupils – for their efforts this term. I would also like to thank Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Cater for organising the class hamper raffle and the pupils’ selection packs.

Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas.

G D Evans

PS this letter was written before this week’s escalation ☺




December Update

Thank you to all our parents and guardians who have supported us in our bid to make the school a safe environment. As you are aware Christmas activities will be limited this year but we are hoping to provide some excitement for our pupils. 

A big thank you to Kelly Pritchard and the PTA members who have organised selection boxes and the Christmas raffle. Also we will be collecting items for the local community next week and details will be sent out of Friday.

Cases of Covid have been limited and this is due to the diligence of our staff and your support. One request however as we move towards the end of the term. 


Please would all parents/guardians who are dropping off or collecting their children adhere to the allocated time slot for your child's class. At the moment a growing number of parents are ignoring these times and are creating excessive numbers of people entering school at the same time. In addition please follow the one way systems in operation and on the KS2 yard do not call your children to you at the gate. Pupils MUST wait for you to walk around the yard to collect them. 


Thank you 


Mr Evans 

School Update  28/10/20

Happy halloween day cute pumpkin smile spooky Vector Image

 Dear Parent, 

I hope you are having a nice half term with your children.  Please see the letter from the Director of Education below.


We will be open as usual on Monday 2nd November for all pupils. 

 Morning and afternoon routines will remain in place for dropping off and collecting your child/ren. 

As previously explained please refer to the guidance provided in this section if your child/ren have any of the Covid -19 symptoms. This is particularly important if they display any symptoms over the forthcoming weekend. As in all cases please air on the side of caution if you are concerned and take your child/ren for a test.


Hopefully as things begin to improve we will look to adjust the staggered times and you will be given ample notification if routines change. 


Once again thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time, 

Free Vector | Cute halloween background in flat design with pumpkin and  candies                                                                                                  

 Mr Evans


COVID-19 Blog


Dear Parent,


Please take time to read the letter below regarding Covid -19. If you require any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us. 


If you keep your child at home with Covid related symptoms and you have taken them for a test, or anyone in the house has a positive test, you must inform the school immediately. Please do not wait until you receive the results of the test.   It is important that we are informed as soon as possible so that we can put procedures in place . Once you have received the result of the test, please inform us immediately  and  we will advise accordingly.

If you are in any doubts regarding the symptoms you can access the NHS website for more information. Please do not send your child to school if they display any of the symptoms.

Following a confirmed case this week there will be a deep clean over the weekend. All pupils should return as normal on Monday.

Please be reassured that all precautions are in place to maintain a safe environment and if there are any confirmed cases you will be informed immediately . This is why it is vital that  you let us know ASAP if anyone in your household or your children are affected with the symptoms.


Mr Evans  


Letter below sent 25 September 2020


16 September 2020

Dear Parent

We have received updated guidance with regard to the wearing of face coverings and whilst they are not compulsory, the recommendation is for them to be worn if entering the school building.

All visitors will also be expected to wear a mask when entering the school building.


Outside when dropping-off/picking up children:

 Parents/Guardians MUST maintain the 2 metre gap when queuing. If safe distances are not maintained, face masks will have to become compulsory within the external boundaries of the school.

 Where possible, please no more than 1 adult to drop-off/collect children.


G D Evans




10 September 2020

Dear Parent

Re: Return to school September 2020

 I am pleased to report that all our pupils have settled back really well and they are a credit to you. Generally procedures in place have worked really smoothly and I am very grateful for your understanding and patience, especially when we amend routines.

 I know the staggered times and one-way systems are difficult when parents/guardians have children in different year groups but we have to limit numbers to avoid large groupings, so once again thank you for your understanding.

 As we move forward we will aim to revert back to pre-lockdown/normal start and finish times for all pupils, however I anticipate the present arrangement will have to remain in place until half term.

 We have sent out RCT’s information regarding ‘Getting back to school’ – please make sure you take time to familiarise yourselves with the contents. (The letter is also available on our school website under the ‘Covid-19’ page.)

 Can I also please remind you that if your child displays any Covid-19 symptoms, you follow appropriate procedures and do not send them into school.

 One concern is the irresponsible parking and dropping off by a very small minority of parents. Please think of others before acting in a way which could endanger the safety of others.

 Details regarding Breakfast Club should be issued by RCT tomorrow.

 Once again, thank you for your cooperation and patience. We will continually update you on any new developments.


G D Evans




Return to school - September 2020

Dear parents/guardians,

We are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back into school over the next few weeks. The arrangements that have been distributed to you at the end of the summer term have not changed so please take time to familiarise yourself with  the details. (see below)

Please note that start and finish times have been set and to avoid large numbers of parents and children arriving at the same time we urge you to adhere to these times.

Also we will not be allowing any parents on to the school site in the mornings apart from those with reception children and year 2 pupils in the junior building (for first few days until they have settled).

No parents will be allowed on to the main junior yard (apart from year 2 ,for the first 2 days) in the morning  but hopefully as the situation with Covid-19 improves we will be able to adapt in the future. 

Please note that in the afternoon, parents will be allowed on to the junior yard to collect pupils but they must follow the one way system shown below in the return to school guidelines

 Parents of foundation phase pupils in the new building will be allowed to pick up their children at the end of the day following the one way system.

If any parents are concerned with our return to school they are welcome to contact us at any time.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and we look forward to seeing you all.




Mr Evans


Wednesday July 15th 2020

RCT Letter re September


Friday July 10th 2020

September return update 


Return to school update 

It has been lovely returning to school this week and seeing most of our pupils who were able to come in. They have been a real credit to you and have settled back so well. The organisation for their return has run like clockwork and this is down to the cooperation and help for all our parents. We thank you for your help.

I would also like to pay tribute to all our staff who have worked so hard to ensure that the return to school is a happy experience for the pupils.

We are looking forward next week to building on the success of this week. Hopefully more pupils will return to school now that they can see we have developed a safe return to school.

Reports and information regarding next year will be sent out soon. This year all reports will be sent out digitally, however if any parent cannot access then via the dojo system, hard copies will be available. Reports will differ slightly from last year but they will provide you with a basic overview of your child's progress up to March  2020.

Class information for September 2020 will be sent out during the last week of term.

Sadly, the nursery graduation ceremony which is so popular with our little ones and our parents cannot go ahead due to the restrictions. 

We will however be attempting to organise something to celebrate our yr 6 pupils who will be leaving us for pastures new in September. More information to follow.

Mr G.Evans


Letter sent 23 June:


Dear Parent,

Re Hub Provision from June 29th 2020 and return to school


Return to School from Monday 29th

Measures are now in place for the safe return of our pupils from the 29th. You will have received information regarding the day your child can return to school. This cannot be amended. Please could you remind your child(ren) of the need to socially distance when coming to and during school.

Signage will assist you and the pupils when entering and leaving school.

Please also be reminded of the following:-

  • All pupils will have temperature checks before going into class. Those with a temperature exceeding 38 will be isolated and sent home. Please ensure that someone is available to be contacted throughout the day
  • All pupils will use hand sanitisers throughout the day
  • Ensure your child(ren) brings a packed lunch
  • Pupils in receipt of free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch
  • Pupils must follow rules and procedures
  • Please follow markings when entering or leaving school
  • Unfortunately pupils who may be upset when coming to school cannot be taken by the staff as we normally would do. It will be the parents’ responsibility to ensure the pupil enters school
  • Your patience and cooperation will be appreciated by the staff especially for the first few days when procedures will be new and pupils might be a little anxious.


This is the guidance from the local education authority regarding hub provision:

Emergency Childcare Provision

Current hub schools will close and emergency childcare provision for the children of key / essential workers and particularly vulnerable pupils between the ages of 3-14 (3-19 in special schools) will be provided in their own school from Monday 29 June onwards. Schools will offer this provision alongside the reopening of schools.

 Applications for emergency childcare provision will need to be made on a regular basis by key / essential workers for the days and times required. Applications for the period commencing 27 June will open at 8am on Friday 19 June and close at 11:59pm on Sunday 21 June. No late applications will be accepted. Emergency childcare places will be strictly limited, are subject to availability and should only be applied for as a last resort Evidence of your key / essential worker status may be required. Making an application does not guarantee an emergency childcare place

 From 29 June, schools will offer emergency childcare provision between the hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm for children of key / essential workers and for core school hours for vulnerable learners.

 Parents/ carers of particularly vulnerable learners requiring a new placement will need to make one application for emergency childcare for the period commencing Monday 29 June through to the end of the summer term.

 All vulnerable learners currently attending an emergency childcare setting will be relocated to their usual school setting from Monday 29 June. Their place will be available each day (Monday to Friday) for core school hours, unless advised otherwise. If a place is not required, the parent / carer should advise the school.

 Emergency childcare provision is available to nursery aged children within their current school setting.

 Arrangements for the pupils who have been accepted:-

  • Pupils may access the hub provision from 8:00am – 5pm
  • Registration will take place in the new hall
  • Pupils cannot access hub provision and school based provision on the same day
  • Pupils will be cared for in designated classes.
  • They will not integrate with other pupils who are accessing school based provision
  • Hubs will be staffed by teaching assistants in a childcare not teaching capacity.



Yours sincerely,

 Mr G.D.Evans




**Return to school update** 


Good afternoon,

I hope you are all well.

During the lockdown period we have appreciated your continued support the efforts you have made to maintain contact with the class teachers in order help your child/ren complete the home tasks.

Over the next two weeks we will be preparing the school for the return of our pupils and we fully appreciate that you will have to make a decision whether to send your child to school or not.

As Kirsty Williams said on Wednesday, it is entirely up to you to decide if you wish to send your child/children to school and there will be no criticism of your decisions as parents/carers.

Guidance from Welsh Government on how schools can re-open will be circulated as soon as possible.. However, I would like to share a few of our early plans with you:


  • School will restart for most pupils from Monday June 29th with approximately 1/3 of pupils attending school at any one time.
  • All pupils will have an opportunity to spend at least a day at school once a week for four weeks – i.e. all pupils will have four visits to school before the summer break
  • Pupils will be in groups of between 6 – 8 pupils depending on class size
  • One teacher and Teaching Assistant (younger year groups) will stay with your child’s group throughout the day
  • The outdoor space will be used as much as possible
  • Pupils will be sat in individual spaces at 2 metres apart
  • All excess furniture will be cleared from teaching spaces – classrooms will be very minimalist
  • Basic resource packs will be issued to all pupils
  • As most pupils will be coming to school once per week, we will expect them to wear school uniform.
  • From Monday 29th, we will not be providing a breakfast club. This will however be resumed in September.
  • Pupils who use school transport will do so in the normal manner they did before lockdown. Companies will ensure social distance measures are in place.
  • All surfaces will be wiped down regularly during the school day
  • There will be a staggered start, finish, break and lunch time
  • A one-way system will be set up in the main school building
  • A robust Risk Assessment will be in place

When we receive official information from the education minister, we will give detailed guidelines on when and how different year groups and classes will return. Where possible we will try and ensure siblings come to school on the same day.

As we plan the way forward, I would like to assure you that your child’s safety and well-being is our priority and is paramount in all our decision making.

Many thanks for your co-operation,

Kind regards,

Mr G.Evans


Letter re Hub Applications for child care   June 4th 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

RE Emergency childcare for vulnerable and essential key worker pupils


As you will be aware the education minister announced yesterday that there would be a return to school on Monday June 29th. More detailed information will follow as the guidance becomes clear.

We are busy preparing for this and making sure we create a safe working environment for both pupils and staff. Approximately 1/3 of pupils will be admitted to school on any one day and this includes the number of key worker children who may access a hub placement.

For the past 6 weeks ,we have had an average of between 8-10 pupils who have regularly attended from Dolau. However this week and next week numbers have trebled and if this trend continues then provision for all children from June 29th will be affected.

We fully appreciate that as the lock down restrictions ease, more parents will be returning to work. However, we cannot operate as a childcare facility and as a school if this continues. We have evidence that a number of parents are applying for hub places when they are either furloughed, working from home or on shift patterns when one parent is still at home.

You will appreciate that in order to maintain a safe environment as much as possible, we need a large number of staff to ensure pupil adult ratios are kept to an acceptable level. Pupils and staff need safe distancing measures to keep safe and my fear is if the number of applications increase as they have done for emergency care then this will not happen.

Therefore, when we start back to school, we will be asking parents only to use the hub facility if it is absolutely necessary to do so. Parents will be challenged to produce the evidence that there is no one available at home to look after their children.

I make no apologies for taking this approach. Our main concern is that all pupils attending school have an equal chance to come to school on their designated days. If the number of hub children increase then this will be considerably reduced.

Please could you take this into consideration when applying in future for emergency childcare provision. We have a data base of regular attendees who have genuine reasons for requesting childcare. From next week all new applications will be challenged.


Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.


Yours sincerely


Mr Evans

June 3rd 2020   - Update re School opening on June 29th 2020 

Following the announcement that pupils will return to school in some format  from June 29th, we will notify all parents/guardians of our proposals as soon as possible.

 The following information will provide parents with a timetable of actions :-

  • This week  -publish statement and guidance when available
  • Next two weeks 
  • Establish which groups of pupils /classes will attend each day
  • Establish start and finish times for each class
  • Ensure social distance measures are in place throughout the school with appropriate signage 
  • Communicate via text to parents and class dojo, all necessary information 
  • Establish arrangements for essential key workers 
  • Ensure that there are appropriate procedures in place to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible with regard to cleaning ,hygiene and infection control


May 19th 2020

A decision has been made by the LA to open Dolau as an additional Hub for emergency and key workers.

Please note that the criteria for  use of the hub still remains the same and we will strictly adhere to this.

People who are eligible can register via the LA website. All new applications will be asked to verify status and will be challenged as the message remains the same.Stay at home  wherever possible.


Many Thanks 


Mr Evans 


May 13th 2020


Dear Parent / Guardian


The document below includes additional wellbeing resources which may be of use during this period:


Covid19 - Resources 11.05.20.pdf


May 8th 2020


Dear Parent/Guardian


Please find below another Wellbeing pack which you may find useful:


 Wellbeing Pack Three - Mindfulness and Relaxation.pdf


Keep Safe


May 6th 2020

 Dear Parent/Guardian,  


There are a number of well being packs below which might be of some use during this period. As yet there is no further information as to when we are likely to return but we will update as soon as information is available.


Keep Safe 


Mr Evans 

Well being pack - Relationships

Well being Pack - Diet and Exercise


April 28th 2020

Covid-19 update


Dear Parent/Guardian

Re Update on Covid -19


Hope you are all fit and healthy and free from this horrible virus.

All things are going well in school and the staff as you would expect have been fantastic, always responding in great numbers to any request. 

We have a few staff who are shielding family members and are in total lock down until mid June .Fortunately,they are all well.

Nearly all staff have supported the key worker families by making themselves available on the staff rota's both in school and at the Llanhari hub.

Staff have also been in school carrying out cleaning duties on all the IT devices we have in school in preparation for when pupils return. In addition to this they are attending school next week to prepare their classes for September and to complete a number of maintenance tasks around the school.

Some of you will also have seen their message to the pupils on Twitter.

By the end of the week we will have data, on the levels of engagement in each class. All staff are carefully monitoring this to ensure that vulnerable pupils are contacted and that they are provided with appropriate support, where applicable. Our ALNCO, has also called or messaged many pupils to monitor their well being.

Staff have provided pupils with a range of activities on line and they are in regular contact with their classes.

The school management team,conduct meetings through Zoom and these have been helpful in preparing for the return of our pupils, whenever this is ,but also for September.

Next week we will be contacting any pupils/parents who are not engaging with the on line communication and will be providing support where needed.


In testing times I cannot praise the efforts of our staff enough, over 55 in total, for their continued dedication and support .


Once we have details of any return to school I will contact you asap.


Keep Safe 


Mr Evans 


April 14th 2020

Just a quick update for all parents and carers.

From next week our staff will be back on duty at the Llanhari Hub. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for the commitment they have shown over the last three weeks, along with all the other staff from our cluster schools.

Teachers will be making contact with you all via Dojo to outline activities you can do with your children. 

Please continue to keep safe and use the facilities at the Llanhari hub if it is essential. 

I hope all our pupils are behaving for you and showing what they can do on-line.


Best wishes 


Mr Evans 

April 5th 2020

I hope you are all keeping safe during this difficult time.  We are now officially on our Easter holidays, however child care for the front line emergency workers will continue at LLanhari Comprehensive. The provision last week was excellent and pupils who attended were looked after superbly as you would expect.

I would like to thank all the parents who adhered to the government guidelines regarding  the use of childcare facilities,  by keeping their children at home . The provision will remain for all the key health workers and those in front line services so that parents are able to go to work to support our health service. We will continue to support our families in any way we can and normal communication will continue after the Easter break, from April 20th.

For any parent  needing to contact the school, you can still do this via our  email address which is continually monitored.

Hoping you all keep safe.


Mr Evans 

March 27th 2020


Any parent who has applied for emergency childcare next week starting March 30th must now report to our school (Dolau) not to Llanhari as originally planned.

The school will be open from 8:00am until 6pm.

Please note, that any parent working from home should not be using the emergency childcare service and will be challenged if we believe this is the case. Our aim is to support the front line staff in the NHS and support services and all other emergency services .

There may be slight delays on Monday as parents will be required to complete and sign registration forms.


Thank you all for your cooperation .

Mr Evans 


March 26th 2020

Dear Parent,

Details of childcare arrangements are set out in this letter. Please read carefully.

Please note that the care is for urgent childcare only.

Parents and carers to complete the on-line application form for emergency childcare which is now live on the Council website. The safest place for their children to be cared for is in their home this would be appreciated. However, for those essential workers and vulnerable families who require urgent childcare, this is now available on a hub basis. The link is as follows
Initial applications are needed by midday on Friday.

Parents are to report to their chosen HUB school which in our case is Ysgol Llanhari. Every parent/guardian of a child accessing the Hub MUST complete a registration form on the first day of admission. A failure to comply with this request will result in the offer of a placement being withdrawn.

The hubs will be open between 8:00am and 6:00pm. Sessions will be from 8.00 to 13:00 and 13:00 to 18:00


Yours sincerely

Mr G.Evans

Letter from Local Authority - 26th March 

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Your application for free emergency childcare

Thank you for your recent application to the local authority for free emergency childcare. All parents/carers are advised to keep their children at home and to limit social contact in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This is also recommended for parents/carers working in essential sectors that are supporting us in our fight against COVID-19, although in some cases we recognise that this is not always possible.

There is a clear from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government, highlighting that parents/carers should not rely on childcare from grandparents, friends, or family members who are over 70, are pregnant or have underlying health and medical conditions. Parents/carers should also do everything they can to ensure that their children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. This includes ensuring that children remain at least 2m apart where possible and that mass gatherings are avoided. Play areas are now closed and should not be frequented.
If it not possible for you to care for your child safely in the home and your work is critical to the COVID-19 response then emergency childcare can be accessed in a Rhondda Cynon Taf school. The critical sectors include the following:
• Health and social care;
• Education and childcare;
• Key public services;
• Local and national government;
• Food and other necessary goods;
• Public safety and national security;
• Transport;
• Utilities, communication and financial services.

Please only bring your child to school if your work is essential to the fight against COVID 19. Please do not attend school if you cannot evidence your role in an essential service area. In order to ensure that we prioritise the provision for essential workers only, it might be necessary for us to request further evidence on the nature of your role. If this is not provided in a timely manner, the offer of childcare will be deferred or potentially removed. Further details relating to essential workers is attached to this letter.

Your support in minimising risks for our children, staff and communities would be much appreciated so please only bring your child to emergency childcare if you clearly meet eligibility and cannot provide care in the home context.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Mr G.Evans




Important new communication from RCT/Public Health Wales 

Coronavirus continues to spread in Wales. Public Health Wales yesterday announced that a further seven people have died in Wales over recent days as a result of the virus and the number of confirmed cases in Wales continues to grow by the day, with significant increases over the last two days in particular.

The social distancing advice is there for a reason – people are falling ill and people with under-lying health issues are dying as a result of continued transmission of the virus. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that we all personally take the responsibility to minimise the contact we have with one another to slow the spread of the virus.

Play areas across the County have all now been closed and should not be attended. If your children are not in the Emergency childcare settings please keep them safe at home, this extends to the evenings too. You have to do this for the safety of your family, friends and neighbours, to limit and slow down the spread of the virus.

Dear Parent,

I would like to thank you all for your support during this difficult time. I know a large number of you have had to considerably reorganise your work patterns in order to keep your children at home and we are very appreciative of your efforts. We will endeavor to provide cover for those of you who have no other alternative and our aim is to ensure your children are happy and safe. Thankfully many of you have listened to the advice from various authorities and decided to keep your children away from school. Hopefully, together we will all work together to beat this virus and keep our community and our families safe.

We will continue to update you on any further developments at school level.

Mr Evans 


Letter from Kirsty Willimas / Llythyr oddi wrth Kirsty Williams - Minister for Education / Gweinidog Addysg 20/3/20


Letter 20/03/2020 / Llythyr 20/03/2020


Letter 19/03/2020 / Llythyr 19/03/2020


Covid-19 blog



Dear Parent

Happy New Year to all.  Please see attached information regarding the return to school this term. 

The following procedures will be in place for this half term in line with the latest LEA/WG guidance:

  • All pupils will return to school on Thursday 6th January 2022
  • Though there will be no staggered starts, pupils will be in class bubbles, with separate lunch and play time arrangements
  • Pupils displaying any of the published symptoms will be sent home
  • Warn and inform letters will be issued to the whole class if a child tests positive; pupils not displaying any symptoms may come to school
  • Staffing levels will be assessed daily. Where staffing levels fall below safety expectations and adequate supervision cannot be guaranteed, groups/classes may be sent home
  • Distance learning will be provided if a whole class is off school
  • All parents/visitors must wear face coverings whilst on school premises, follow the one-way systems in place and maintain 2 metres distancing
  • KS2 parents will collect junior children from designated areas on the yard. Please do not mix/congregate with other parents.
  • After school activities are postponed
  • Breakfast club will continue as normal from Monday 10th January
  • Children of key workers who have been accepted to attend tomorrow’s emergency provision will be provided with breakfast and lunch depending on the child’s arrival time.
Further updates will be communicated as appropriate.
G D Evans
17 December 2021
Dear Parent
Please see the attached letter from RCT.
Following the guidance received from our LA this morning there will be slight amendments to the information sent out yesterday.
School will be closed on Tuesday 4th for ALL pupils with the majority returning on Thursday 6th providing no further communication is received from Welsh Government.
On Wednesday  January 5th, provision will be made for the pupils whose parents must meet the current critical workers criteria, eligible critical workers include:
➢ Blue light workers, including NHS, Police, Ambulance and Fire Service staff;
➢ Social care workers (including care homes); and
➢ Childcare or education staff.
To do this any parent who believes they are eligible for this provision must apply by 3rd January but ideally by today so that we can plan. Obviously, parents must be working on the 5th January.
To apply, please send an email to: including your job details/profession, as well as your child's name and year group, and whether you will require a morning/afternoon/all day provision (provision will be available between the hours of 9am and 3.30pm and your child should only attend for the hours you work).  Please also let us know if your child is to attend Breakfast Club on that morning - this will be available from 8.15am and for those registered (forms are available from the school and school website).
Once again thank you for your cooperation.
G D Evans
(Welsh version to follow)





3rd September 2021

Dear Parent

 We would like to welcome you all back for the start of the new term, especially those children who are starting for the first time.

 The procedures put in place in July will remain and these can be found on the school website under letters or Covid-19.

 We had received official confirmation that the current risk level for RCT is yellow/moderate.  This means that the procedures we have put in place will be appropriate and effective.  However, as we have previously explained, if the level rises to high, then we may need to revert back to procedures that were in place in the summer term.  In order for us to remain safe, I would like to remind you of the current guidelines, outlined in our latest risk assessment:

  • Limiting close interaction between pupils where possible
  • Avoidance of large groups, eg assemblies
  • Face coverings where appropriate
  • Visitors to wear face coverings if entering the school building
  • Parents to avoid congregating in groups when dropping off/picking up children


In order to minimise risk, we ask that you carefully adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Any pupil displaying Covid-19 symptoms must not come to school and must book a PCR test. Once tested, if negative they may return, if positive they must isolate for 10 days.
  • Anyone with Covid-19 symptoms or who tests positive will continue to be required to self-isolate – no matter how old they are or if they have been vaccinated or not.
  • Anyone displaying Covid-19 symptoms should stay at home and begin to self-isolate for at least 10 days from the date of symptoms onset while making arrangements to be tested. Any other members of the household 18 years and over who have not been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 should also self-isolate.  If the test result is negative the individual with symptoms and isolating members of the household will not be required to complete the full 10-day isolation period (unless instructed to isolate for other reasons).
  • Local health boards are also making Covid-19 testing available to people with a wider range of symptoms such as fatigue, muscle ache or pain, a sore throat, a headache, a runny nose, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea.
  • For children displaying wider symptoms, parents can book a PCR test online by selecting the ‘book a test if advised by a Public Health adviser’ option.
  • Parents can also ring 01443 443151 to book a PCR test if their child has wider symptoms.
  • Parents will be requested to immediately collect their child from school if they are too unwell to remain in school; or they have one of the three classic Covid-19 symptoms (i.e. a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of or change to their sense of taste or smell); or there are significant concerns. It is a parent’s decision whether to take the child for a test. 


Parents must contact school immediately if they suspect that the child, or anyone in the house, has any Covid-19 symptoms.

 Obviously in the first half term we will be operating a cautious approach to any person/child who is displaying symptoms.  We will therefore request that children are taken from school should the need arise.  We appreciate that this may at times be inconvenient for some but we respectfully ask that parents support us during this period.

 We have received communication today from the authority that Breakfast Club will continue at the start of term; we will commence Breakfast Club as soon as possible and once we have received the total numbers requiring the facility.  We are therefore unable to provide Breakfast Club for at least the first two days of term, ie Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th.



G D Evans



Breakast Club information from RCT:


If your child requires a place in the summer term breakfast club (12th April – 20th July) please complete an application form using the following link The form will be available for completion from 7am, Friday 12th March to 5pm, Friday 19th March. The number of places due to Covid restrictions will be limited to ensure that social distancing and effective hygiene and preventative measures can be maintained. Places will be prioritised based on the time of application and you will be notified at the end of the application if you are successful or unsuccessful.  Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on a reserve list and non-attendance will result in places being reallocated. Please note that in light of the current legislation in relation to breakfast clubs, prioritisation cannot be given to specific groups (e.g. previously unsuccessful applicants, vulnerable groups or key workers) as this provision is intended to provide a healthy breakfast to all learners. As places are restricted, please only apply if your child requires access to a free, healthy breakfast before the start of the school day.




3rd March 2021

Dear Parent

  Following the announcement made today, we are delighted to inform you that all KS2 pupils will return to school on Monday 15th March. 

 In order to adhere to the strict guidelines, minimising risks and maintaining social distancing, we will be operating exactly the same routines as we did in the Autumn term:

  • Parents must adhere to the staggered times for both drop-off and pick-up, ie:
       8.45am / 2.45pm D7, D8
       9.00am / 3.00pm D5, D6
       9.15am / 3.15pm C9, C10, C11
       9.30am / 3.30pm C7, C8   
  • All parents/guardians to follow the one-way systems which remain in place
  • Adhere to social distancing and do not congregate
  • All parents/guardians entering the school premises MUST wear face coverings
  • Immediate communication to school if any pupil (or anyone in the family household) has any Covid-19 related symptoms
  • Breakfast Club provision can be accessed by those who were successful in the November/December application process.

For pupils entitled to travel on school transport, please email by 12 noon on Monday 8th March to confirm if your child will or will not be using the bus.


Yours sincerely


G D Evans





8th February 2021

Dear Parent

 Re: return to school of Foundation Phase (age 3-7) pupils from February 22nd 2021

 We have taken the decision to open the school to all Foundation Phase pupils, ie those from Nursery to year 2, from Monday 22nd February.  Nursery pupils will attend according to their entitlement.  This will allow us to return to normal procedures as soon as possible.

 Please ensure you follow the guidelines listed below:

  • Parents must adhere to the staggered times for both drop-off and pick-up, ie:

               8.45am / 2.45pm D2 + D3             

              9.00am / 3.00pm C1 + D4

              9.15am / 3.15pm D1, C2 + C3

              9.30am / 3.30pm C4, C5 + C6

  • Immediate communication to school if any pupil (or anyone in the family household) has any Covid-19 related symptoms
  • For the first 2 weeks from 22nd February there will not be any Breakfast Club provision in place for Foundation Phase pupils
  • One-way systems remain in place
  • Adhere to social distancing if queuing, and do not congregate
  • All parents entering the school premises MUST wear face coverings.


For pupils entitled to travel on school transport, please email by the end of Wednesday 10th February, to tell us if your child will or will not be using the bus after half term.


Yours sincerely


G D Evans






8th February 2021

Dear Parent

 Re: return to school of KS2 pupils (age 7-11)

 As yet we have not received any detailed or specific guidance regarding the return to school of KS2 pupils. Therefore, from February 22nd junior pupils will continue to be educated via distance learning.  We will inform parents as soon as we receive any update.

 The vulnerable pupils and critical worker families will continue with the hub provision; they will be in one bubble and will not integrate with the Foundation Phase pupils who will be in school. We do not anticipate an increase in the applications for KS2 pupils coming to the hub, as it has been consistent for the last 5 weeks.  Those already using the hub will not need to re-apply, however please email to confirm the days required (unless we know them already).

Any new application will be taken on merit, and must be submitted by 12noon this Wednesday 10th February (please email providing details of both parents’ jobs).

Yours sincerely

G D Evans






Friday February 5th 2021

Following the announcement today regarding a return to school on February 22nd for Foundation phase pupils (age 3-7) ,we will provide detailed guidance on Monday February 8th.

Hub provision for critical workers and vulnerable pupils will also be confirmed.

Thank you for your patience.




Mr Evans 

Dear Parent/Guardian

As you know the First Minister made the announcement today regarding a possible return to school after half term.

What does this mean for Dolau ?

As stated, we will be open for vulnerable children and the children of critical workers up until the half-term. All other learners will continue to access remote learning during this period. 

We have issued questionnaires to all parents /guardians regarding distance learning and I am pleased to report that the majority of responses were very positive. We appreciate all responses and will do our very best to address  the concerns raised by individuals.  As we continue with our distance learning, we will amend and adapt as we develop different ways of engaging our pupils. The check in calls have been very well received and  of great benefit to the pupils.

From next week staff will be making welfare calls to all parents which we hope will support you and also provide us with any improvements we can make.

After half term the minister has stated that pupils could start returning to school from February 22nd. Obviously as soon as we receive guidance and authority we will inform parents regarding a return to school, as early as possible.

I would like to thank all our parents/guardians for your support this term. You are doing a fantastic job with your children, often juggling jobs and working your hours to support our distance learning activities. I know many of you are finding this balancing act very difficult and if anyone has concerns then please  contact us or use the check in opportunities next week to let us know. 

From the many responses received, I am sure you would want me to commend the attitude and commitment of our school staff. I have witnessed first hand ,the efforts they are making to engage with all our pupils and they all are appreciative of your efforts. 

Keep up the great work and together we will overcome this virus and hopefully get back to normal as soon as possible 


Stay Safe .


Mr Evans 



29th January 2021:


Dear Parent / Carer

As you will be aware, the First Minister was involved in a Welsh Government press conference today and announced the following key messages:

1. Schools will continue to be open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers up until the half-term. All other learners will continue to access remote learning during this period.
2. The youngest pupils in Wales could possibly begin returning to school after the February half-term if rates of coronavirus continue to fall.
3. If the transmission of Covid continues to decline, pupils will start returning to school in a phased way from 22nd February, beginning with our youngest learners.
4. Ministers and Welsh Government officials will continue to engage with Local Authorities, Trade Unions and representative groups to plan for the return of learners to school.
5. Welsh Government is committed to ensuring that schools, parents and carers have plenty of time to plan for change and it is hoped that Councils and schools across Wales will receive timely notifications so that we are able to strategically plan for key changes.


Please click here for the document 'Guidance on Blended Learning for parents and carers'.


For the Welsh version, click here.


Live Streaming
Please find a link to Welsh Government’s updated live streaming guidance below:




8th January 2021
Please see below letter from RCT; these changes take place from Monday 18th January, the provision for week commencing 11th January remains unchanged.
To apply for the provision for week beginning 18th January, please email by 12noon Monday 11th January.
Dear parent/carer

This morning the First Minister announced further changes for schools in Wales. The key elements are summarised as follows:

• All children, with the exception of high priority vulnerable learners and the children of critical workers, will continue to access remote learning until the 29th of January. If rates of infection have not reduced by this time, schools will continue with remote learning until the February half-term break.
• Only high priority vulnerable children and the children of critical workers will have access to on-site education in schools along with learners undertaking essential exams and assessments until the 29th of January (or until the February half term if rates remain high).
• Schools are not more unsafe now or pose a higher risk for teachers and children. However, the new variant of Covid-19 is far more infectious and is leading to increased numbers of people falling ill and being hospitalised.
• For GCSE, AS and A level learners, a decision has been made to cancel the spring term assessments that were planned to take place between 22th February and 23rd April. Revised assessment arrangements for the award of these qualifications in summer 2021 will be put in place shortly and further information will follow in due course.
• Special school staff that provide intimate personal care for children with complex medical needs will be included as part of the priority list for vaccination to ensure that the most vulnerable are kept safe.

From the Monday the 18th of January, schools will continue to provide education for the children of critical workers on school sites. Eligibility has changed slightly and will only include the following groups of workers:
• Health and social care workers (including care home staff).
• Public safety (emergency workers) and national security workers.
• Education and childcare workers.
• Food and other necessary goods workers (please note this is an additional category)
If you have explored all possible childcare options and genuinely have no other alternative and have to work, then please advise the school by Monday the 11th of your requirements for the week commencing the 18th of January. The current legislation only requires one parent to work in one of these outlined areas of work to access school based education.

Arrangements for high priority vulnerable learners will remain unchanged.

Please note, that places will be capped to ensure the health and safety of your child and school staff during this concerning period. The safest place for your child currently is at home but if essential, your school can provide education for vulnerable learners and the children of identified critical workers in school. Where demand for places exceeds supply, requests will be prioritised based on need. If you have any concerns or exceptional circumstances, please raise these directly with your child’s school. On-site provision is for education and not childcare, as school staff still have a responsibility to deliver education remotely to all children throughout the school day. In addition to this, they will continue to provide remote wellbeing support for those that require this.

Thank you for your continued patience and for supporting your child’s learning during these very challenging times.

Many thanks


Gaynor Davies
Director of Education and Inclusion Services

17 December: Following information from Government, school will be closed to pupils Monday 4 + Tuesday 5 January; all pupils to return Wednesday 6th. More information to follow.


End of Term 2020

10th December 2020

Dear Parent

As we come to the end of a very challenging term, may I take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and cooperation regarding the procedures and regulations we have had to put in place.

At this point I am very pleased to inform you that only 2 classes have been isolated this term and the number of infections has remained relatively low. There has been a very low rate of transmission within the school and those who have isolated have done so because of other family members.

I believe there are two factors contributing to this. The first is the cooperation and diligence from all our parents/guardians who have responded immediately when required. I know many of you have had to adjust your childcare plans and make emergency arrangements and I am very grateful for your continued assistance in this. As a result, our cases of Covid-19 remain low.

The second has been the efforts of all staff and the way in which they monitored the well-being of all pupils, responding immediately to any potential symptoms a child might display. The speed at which they have acted has also ensured a low transmission rate.

In addition to this, the cleaning provided by our cleaners and caretaker has ensured the school is constantly disinfected and safe.

As a result of these and everyone’s efforts, we have managed to achieve an attendance rate of 95%.

Sadly our normal Christmas activities and events could not take place but staff have tried to bring a little festive spirit to school and I am sure you will be pleased with the virtual Christmas concerts the Foundation Phase have performed in their classes.

Though I do not anticipate major changes to our routines and procedures after the Christmas holidays, we will try to return to a normal school day as soon as it is safe to do so.

I would like to thank all concerned – staff, parents, guardians and pupils – for their efforts this term. I would also like to thank Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Cater for organising the class hamper raffle and the pupils’ selection packs.

Wishing you all a safe and happy Christmas.

G D Evans

PS this letter was written before this week’s escalation ☺




December Update

Thank you to all our parents and guardians who have supported us in our bid to make the school a safe environment. As you are aware Christmas activities will be limited this year but we are hoping to provide some excitement for our pupils. 

A big thank you to Kelly Pritchard and the PTA members who have organised selection boxes and the Christmas raffle. Also we will be collecting items for the local community next week and details will be sent out of Friday.

Cases of Covid have been limited and this is due to the diligence of our staff and your support. One request however as we move towards the end of the term. 


Please would all parents/guardians who are dropping off or collecting their children adhere to the allocated time slot for your child's class. At the moment a growing number of parents are ignoring these times and are creating excessive numbers of people entering school at the same time. In addition please follow the one way systems in operation and on the KS2 yard do not call your children to you at the gate. Pupils MUST wait for you to walk around the yard to collect them. 


Thank you 


Mr Evans 

School Update  28/10/20

Happy halloween day cute pumpkin smile spooky Vector Image

 Dear Parent, 

I hope you are having a nice half term with your children.  Please see the letter from the Director of Education below.


We will be open as usual on Monday 2nd November for all pupils. 

 Morning and afternoon routines will remain in place for dropping off and collecting your child/ren. 

As previously explained please refer to the guidance provided in this section if your child/ren have any of the Covid -19 symptoms. This is particularly important if they display any symptoms over the forthcoming weekend. As in all cases please air on the side of caution if you are concerned and take your child/ren for a test.


Hopefully as things begin to improve we will look to adjust the staggered times and you will be given ample notification if routines change. 


Once again thank you for your patience and understanding during this difficult time, 

Free Vector | Cute halloween background in flat design with pumpkin and  candies                                                                                                  

 Mr Evans


COVID-19 Blog


Dear Parent,


Please take time to read the letter below regarding Covid -19. If you require any clarification please do not hesitate to contact us. 


If you keep your child at home with Covid related symptoms and you have taken them for a test, or anyone in the house has a positive test, you must inform the school immediately. Please do not wait until you receive the results of the test.   It is important that we are informed as soon as possible so that we can put procedures in place . Once you have received the result of the test, please inform us immediately  and  we will advise accordingly.

If you are in any doubts regarding the symptoms you can access the NHS website for more information. Please do not send your child to school if they display any of the symptoms.

Following a confirmed case this week there will be a deep clean over the weekend. All pupils should return as normal on Monday.

Please be reassured that all precautions are in place to maintain a safe environment and if there are any confirmed cases you will be informed immediately . This is why it is vital that  you let us know ASAP if anyone in your household or your children are affected with the symptoms.


Mr Evans  


Letter below sent 25 September 2020


16 September 2020

Dear Parent

We have received updated guidance with regard to the wearing of face coverings and whilst they are not compulsory, the recommendation is for them to be worn if entering the school building.

All visitors will also be expected to wear a mask when entering the school building.


Outside when dropping-off/picking up children:

 Parents/Guardians MUST maintain the 2 metre gap when queuing. If safe distances are not maintained, face masks will have to become compulsory within the external boundaries of the school.

 Where possible, please no more than 1 adult to drop-off/collect children.


G D Evans




10 September 2020

Dear Parent

Re: Return to school September 2020

 I am pleased to report that all our pupils have settled back really well and they are a credit to you. Generally procedures in place have worked really smoothly and I am very grateful for your understanding and patience, especially when we amend routines.

 I know the staggered times and one-way systems are difficult when parents/guardians have children in different year groups but we have to limit numbers to avoid large groupings, so once again thank you for your understanding.

 As we move forward we will aim to revert back to pre-lockdown/normal start and finish times for all pupils, however I anticipate the present arrangement will have to remain in place until half term.

 We have sent out RCT’s information regarding ‘Getting back to school’ – please make sure you take time to familiarise yourselves with the contents. (The letter is also available on our school website under the ‘Covid-19’ page.)

 Can I also please remind you that if your child displays any Covid-19 symptoms, you follow appropriate procedures and do not send them into school.

 One concern is the irresponsible parking and dropping off by a very small minority of parents. Please think of others before acting in a way which could endanger the safety of others.

 Details regarding Breakfast Club should be issued by RCT tomorrow.

 Once again, thank you for your cooperation and patience. We will continually update you on any new developments.


G D Evans




Return to school - September 2020

Dear parents/guardians,

We are looking forward to welcoming all our pupils back into school over the next few weeks. The arrangements that have been distributed to you at the end of the summer term have not changed so please take time to familiarise yourself with  the details. (see below)

Please note that start and finish times have been set and to avoid large numbers of parents and children arriving at the same time we urge you to adhere to these times.

Also we will not be allowing any parents on to the school site in the mornings apart from those with reception children and year 2 pupils in the junior building (for first few days until they have settled).

No parents will be allowed on to the main junior yard (apart from year 2 ,for the first 2 days) in the morning  but hopefully as the situation with Covid-19 improves we will be able to adapt in the future. 

Please note that in the afternoon, parents will be allowed on to the junior yard to collect pupils but they must follow the one way system shown below in the return to school guidelines

 Parents of foundation phase pupils in the new building will be allowed to pick up their children at the end of the day following the one way system.

If any parents are concerned with our return to school they are welcome to contact us at any time.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and we look forward to seeing you all.




Mr Evans


Wednesday July 15th 2020

RCT Letter re September


Friday July 10th 2020

September return update 


Return to school update 

It has been lovely returning to school this week and seeing most of our pupils who were able to come in. They have been a real credit to you and have settled back so well. The organisation for their return has run like clockwork and this is down to the cooperation and help for all our parents. We thank you for your help.

I would also like to pay tribute to all our staff who have worked so hard to ensure that the return to school is a happy experience for the pupils.

We are looking forward next week to building on the success of this week. Hopefully more pupils will return to school now that they can see we have developed a safe return to school.

Reports and information regarding next year will be sent out soon. This year all reports will be sent out digitally, however if any parent cannot access then via the dojo system, hard copies will be available. Reports will differ slightly from last year but they will provide you with a basic overview of your child's progress up to March  2020.

Class information for September 2020 will be sent out during the last week of term.

Sadly, the nursery graduation ceremony which is so popular with our little ones and our parents cannot go ahead due to the restrictions. 

We will however be attempting to organise something to celebrate our yr 6 pupils who will be leaving us for pastures new in September. More information to follow.

Mr G.Evans


Letter sent 23 June:


Dear Parent,

Re Hub Provision from June 29th 2020 and return to school


Return to School from Monday 29th

Measures are now in place for the safe return of our pupils from the 29th. You will have received information regarding the day your child can return to school. This cannot be amended. Please could you remind your child(ren) of the need to socially distance when coming to and during school.

Signage will assist you and the pupils when entering and leaving school.

Please also be reminded of the following:-

  • All pupils will have temperature checks before going into class. Those with a temperature exceeding 38 will be isolated and sent home. Please ensure that someone is available to be contacted throughout the day
  • All pupils will use hand sanitisers throughout the day
  • Ensure your child(ren) brings a packed lunch
  • Pupils in receipt of free school meals will be provided with a packed lunch
  • Pupils must follow rules and procedures
  • Please follow markings when entering or leaving school
  • Unfortunately pupils who may be upset when coming to school cannot be taken by the staff as we normally would do. It will be the parents’ responsibility to ensure the pupil enters school
  • Your patience and cooperation will be appreciated by the staff especially for the first few days when procedures will be new and pupils might be a little anxious.


This is the guidance from the local education authority regarding hub provision:

Emergency Childcare Provision

Current hub schools will close and emergency childcare provision for the children of key / essential workers and particularly vulnerable pupils between the ages of 3-14 (3-19 in special schools) will be provided in their own school from Monday 29 June onwards. Schools will offer this provision alongside the reopening of schools.

 Applications for emergency childcare provision will need to be made on a regular basis by key / essential workers for the days and times required. Applications for the period commencing 27 June will open at 8am on Friday 19 June and close at 11:59pm on Sunday 21 June. No late applications will be accepted. Emergency childcare places will be strictly limited, are subject to availability and should only be applied for as a last resort Evidence of your key / essential worker status may be required. Making an application does not guarantee an emergency childcare place

 From 29 June, schools will offer emergency childcare provision between the hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm for children of key / essential workers and for core school hours for vulnerable learners.

 Parents/ carers of particularly vulnerable learners requiring a new placement will need to make one application for emergency childcare for the period commencing Monday 29 June through to the end of the summer term.

 All vulnerable learners currently attending an emergency childcare setting will be relocated to their usual school setting from Monday 29 June. Their place will be available each day (Monday to Friday) for core school hours, unless advised otherwise. If a place is not required, the parent / carer should advise the school.

 Emergency childcare provision is available to nursery aged children within their current school setting.

 Arrangements for the pupils who have been accepted:-

  • Pupils may access the hub provision from 8:00am – 5pm
  • Registration will take place in the new hall
  • Pupils cannot access hub provision and school based provision on the same day
  • Pupils will be cared for in designated classes.
  • They will not integrate with other pupils who are accessing school based provision
  • Hubs will be staffed by teaching assistants in a childcare not teaching capacity.



Yours sincerely,

 Mr G.D.Evans




**Return to school update** 


Good afternoon,

I hope you are all well.

During the lockdown period we have appreciated your continued support the efforts you have made to maintain contact with the class teachers in order help your child/ren complete the home tasks.

Over the next two weeks we will be preparing the school for the return of our pupils and we fully appreciate that you will have to make a decision whether to send your child to school or not.

As Kirsty Williams said on Wednesday, it is entirely up to you to decide if you wish to send your child/children to school and there will be no criticism of your decisions as parents/carers.

Guidance from Welsh Government on how schools can re-open will be circulated as soon as possible.. However, I would like to share a few of our early plans with you:


  • School will restart for most pupils from Monday June 29th with approximately 1/3 of pupils attending school at any one time.
  • All pupils will have an opportunity to spend at least a day at school once a week for four weeks – i.e. all pupils will have four visits to school before the summer break
  • Pupils will be in groups of between 6 – 8 pupils depending on class size
  • One teacher and Teaching Assistant (younger year groups) will stay with your child’s group throughout the day
  • The outdoor space will be used as much as possible
  • Pupils will be sat in individual spaces at 2 metres apart
  • All excess furniture will be cleared from teaching spaces – classrooms will be very minimalist
  • Basic resource packs will be issued to all pupils
  • As most pupils will be coming to school once per week, we will expect them to wear school uniform.
  • From Monday 29th, we will not be providing a breakfast club. This will however be resumed in September.
  • Pupils who use school transport will do so in the normal manner they did before lockdown. Companies will ensure social distance measures are in place.
  • All surfaces will be wiped down regularly during the school day
  • There will be a staggered start, finish, break and lunch time
  • A one-way system will be set up in the main school building
  • A robust Risk Assessment will be in place

When we receive official information from the education minister, we will give detailed guidelines on when and how different year groups and classes will return. Where possible we will try and ensure siblings come to school on the same day.

As we plan the way forward, I would like to assure you that your child’s safety and well-being is our priority and is paramount in all our decision making.

Many thanks for your co-operation,

Kind regards,

Mr G.Evans


Letter re Hub Applications for child care   June 4th 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

RE Emergency childcare for vulnerable and essential key worker pupils


As you will be aware the education minister announced yesterday that there would be a return to school on Monday June 29th. More detailed information will follow as the guidance becomes clear.

We are busy preparing for this and making sure we create a safe working environment for both pupils and staff. Approximately 1/3 of pupils will be admitted to school on any one day and this includes the number of key worker children who may access a hub placement.

For the past 6 weeks ,we have had an average of between 8-10 pupils who have regularly attended from Dolau. However this week and next week numbers have trebled and if this trend continues then provision for all children from June 29th will be affected.

We fully appreciate that as the lock down restrictions ease, more parents will be returning to work. However, we cannot operate as a childcare facility and as a school if this continues. We have evidence that a number of parents are applying for hub places when they are either furloughed, working from home or on shift patterns when one parent is still at home.

You will appreciate that in order to maintain a safe environment as much as possible, we need a large number of staff to ensure pupil adult ratios are kept to an acceptable level. Pupils and staff need safe distancing measures to keep safe and my fear is if the number of applications increase as they have done for emergency care then this will not happen.

Therefore, when we start back to school, we will be asking parents only to use the hub facility if it is absolutely necessary to do so. Parents will be challenged to produce the evidence that there is no one available at home to look after their children.

I make no apologies for taking this approach. Our main concern is that all pupils attending school have an equal chance to come to school on their designated days. If the number of hub children increase then this will be considerably reduced.

Please could you take this into consideration when applying in future for emergency childcare provision. We have a data base of regular attendees who have genuine reasons for requesting childcare. From next week all new applications will be challenged.


Thank you for your support and understanding in this matter.


Yours sincerely


Mr Evans

June 3rd 2020   - Update re School opening on June 29th 2020 

Following the announcement that pupils will return to school in some format  from June 29th, we will notify all parents/guardians of our proposals as soon as possible.

 The following information will provide parents with a timetable of actions :-

  • This week  -publish statement and guidance when available
  • Next two weeks 
  • Establish which groups of pupils /classes will attend each day
  • Establish start and finish times for each class
  • Ensure social distance measures are in place throughout the school with appropriate signage 
  • Communicate via text to parents and class dojo, all necessary information 
  • Establish arrangements for essential key workers 
  • Ensure that there are appropriate procedures in place to ensure that the environment is as safe as possible with regard to cleaning ,hygiene and infection control


May 19th 2020

A decision has been made by the LA to open Dolau as an additional Hub for emergency and key workers.

Please note that the criteria for  use of the hub still remains the same and we will strictly adhere to this.

People who are eligible can register via the LA website. All new applications will be asked to verify status and will be challenged as the message remains the same.Stay at home  wherever possible.


Many Thanks 


Mr Evans 


May 13th 2020


Dear Parent / Guardian


The document below includes additional wellbeing resources which may be of use during this period:


Covid19 - Resources 11.05.20.pdf


May 8th 2020


Dear Parent/Guardian


Please find below another Wellbeing pack which you may find useful:


 Wellbeing Pack Three - Mindfulness and Relaxation.pdf


Keep Safe


May 6th 2020

 Dear Parent/Guardian,  


There are a number of well being packs below which might be of some use during this period. As yet there is no further information as to when we are likely to return but we will update as soon as information is available.


Keep Safe 


Mr Evans 

Well being pack - Relationships

Well being Pack - Diet and Exercise


April 28th 2020

Covid-19 update


Dear Parent/Guardian

Re Update on Covid -19


Hope you are all fit and healthy and free from this horrible virus.

All things are going well in school and the staff as you would expect have been fantastic, always responding in great numbers to any request. 

We have a few staff who are shielding family members and are in total lock down until mid June .Fortunately,they are all well.

Nearly all staff have supported the key worker families by making themselves available on the staff rota's both in school and at the Llanhari hub.

Staff have also been in school carrying out cleaning duties on all the IT devices we have in school in preparation for when pupils return. In addition to this they are attending school next week to prepare their classes for September and to complete a number of maintenance tasks around the school.

Some of you will also have seen their message to the pupils on Twitter.

By the end of the week we will have data, on the levels of engagement in each class. All staff are carefully monitoring this to ensure that vulnerable pupils are contacted and that they are provided with appropriate support, where applicable. Our ALNCO, has also called or messaged many pupils to monitor their well being.

Staff have provided pupils with a range of activities on line and they are in regular contact with their classes.

The school management team,conduct meetings through Zoom and these have been helpful in preparing for the return of our pupils, whenever this is ,but also for September.

Next week we will be contacting any pupils/parents who are not engaging with the on line communication and will be providing support where needed.


In testing times I cannot praise the efforts of our staff enough, over 55 in total, for their continued dedication and support .


Once we have details of any return to school I will contact you asap.


Keep Safe 


Mr Evans 


April 14th 2020

Just a quick update for all parents and carers.

From next week our staff will be back on duty at the Llanhari Hub. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff for the commitment they have shown over the last three weeks, along with all the other staff from our cluster schools.

Teachers will be making contact with you all via Dojo to outline activities you can do with your children. 

Please continue to keep safe and use the facilities at the Llanhari hub if it is essential. 

I hope all our pupils are behaving for you and showing what they can do on-line.


Best wishes 


Mr Evans 

April 5th 2020

I hope you are all keeping safe during this difficult time.  We are now officially on our Easter holidays, however child care for the front line emergency workers will continue at LLanhari Comprehensive. The provision last week was excellent and pupils who attended were looked after superbly as you would expect.

I would like to thank all the parents who adhered to the government guidelines regarding  the use of childcare facilities,  by keeping their children at home . The provision will remain for all the key health workers and those in front line services so that parents are able to go to work to support our health service. We will continue to support our families in any way we can and normal communication will continue after the Easter break, from April 20th.

For any parent  needing to contact the school, you can still do this via our  email address which is continually monitored.

Hoping you all keep safe.


Mr Evans 

March 27th 2020


Any parent who has applied for emergency childcare next week starting March 30th must now report to our school (Dolau) not to Llanhari as originally planned.

The school will be open from 8:00am until 6pm.

Please note, that any parent working from home should not be using the emergency childcare service and will be challenged if we believe this is the case. Our aim is to support the front line staff in the NHS and support services and all other emergency services .

There may be slight delays on Monday as parents will be required to complete and sign registration forms.


Thank you all for your cooperation .

Mr Evans 


March 26th 2020

Dear Parent,

Details of childcare arrangements are set out in this letter. Please read carefully.

Please note that the care is for urgent childcare only.

Parents and carers to complete the on-line application form for emergency childcare which is now live on the Council website. The safest place for their children to be cared for is in their home this would be appreciated. However, for those essential workers and vulnerable families who require urgent childcare, this is now available on a hub basis. The link is as follows
Initial applications are needed by midday on Friday.

Parents are to report to their chosen HUB school which in our case is Ysgol Llanhari. Every parent/guardian of a child accessing the Hub MUST complete a registration form on the first day of admission. A failure to comply with this request will result in the offer of a placement being withdrawn.

The hubs will be open between 8:00am and 6:00pm. Sessions will be from 8.00 to 13:00 and 13:00 to 18:00


Yours sincerely

Mr G.Evans

Letter from Local Authority - 26th March 

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Your application for free emergency childcare

Thank you for your recent application to the local authority for free emergency childcare. All parents/carers are advised to keep their children at home and to limit social contact in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. This is also recommended for parents/carers working in essential sectors that are supporting us in our fight against COVID-19, although in some cases we recognise that this is not always possible.

There is a clear from Public Health Wales and Welsh Government, highlighting that parents/carers should not rely on childcare from grandparents, friends, or family members who are over 70, are pregnant or have underlying health and medical conditions. Parents/carers should also do everything they can to ensure that their children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. This includes ensuring that children remain at least 2m apart where possible and that mass gatherings are avoided. Play areas are now closed and should not be frequented.
If it not possible for you to care for your child safely in the home and your work is critical to the COVID-19 response then emergency childcare can be accessed in a Rhondda Cynon Taf school. The critical sectors include the following:
• Health and social care;
• Education and childcare;
• Key public services;
• Local and national government;
• Food and other necessary goods;
• Public safety and national security;
• Transport;
• Utilities, communication and financial services.

Please only bring your child to school if your work is essential to the fight against COVID 19. Please do not attend school if you cannot evidence your role in an essential service area. In order to ensure that we prioritise the provision for essential workers only, it might be necessary for us to request further evidence on the nature of your role. If this is not provided in a timely manner, the offer of childcare will be deferred or potentially removed. Further details relating to essential workers is attached to this letter.

Your support in minimising risks for our children, staff and communities would be much appreciated so please only bring your child to emergency childcare if you clearly meet eligibility and cannot provide care in the home context.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Mr G.Evans




Important new communication from RCT/Public Health Wales 

Coronavirus continues to spread in Wales. Public Health Wales yesterday announced that a further seven people have died in Wales over recent days as a result of the virus and the number of confirmed cases in Wales continues to grow by the day, with significant increases over the last two days in particular.

The social distancing advice is there for a reason – people are falling ill and people with under-lying health issues are dying as a result of continued transmission of the virus. Therefore, it is absolutely imperative that we all personally take the responsibility to minimise the contact we have with one another to slow the spread of the virus.

Play areas across the County have all now been closed and should not be attended. If your children are not in the Emergency childcare settings please keep them safe at home, this extends to the evenings too. You have to do this for the safety of your family, friends and neighbours, to limit and slow down the spread of the virus.

Dear Parent,

I would like to thank you all for your support during this difficult time. I know a large number of you have had to considerably reorganise your work patterns in order to keep your children at home and we are very appreciative of your efforts. We will endeavor to provide cover for those of you who have no other alternative and our aim is to ensure your children are happy and safe. Thankfully many of you have listened to the advice from various authorities and decided to keep your children away from school. Hopefully, together we will all work together to beat this virus and keep our community and our families safe.

We will continue to update you on any further developments at school level.

Mr Evans 


Letter from Kirsty Willimas / Llythyr oddi wrth Kirsty Williams - Minister for Education / Gweinidog Addysg 20/3/20


Letter 20/03/2020 / Llythyr 20/03/2020


Letter 19/03/2020 / Llythyr 19/03/2020
